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About Me & LRC

A cool thing I recently did was start this company, Leo Rising Communications (LRC). I've worked in IT for 15+ years, and I'm beyond grateful for that stability and experience, but now I have 2020 vision. The cluster of chaos that has been this year (2020) has made me see even more clearly that tomorrow is not a guarantee; the time to make dreams come true is right now. So, that's what I'm doing. I started Leo Rising as an amalgamation of all of the things that truly bring me joy. While I'm on this earth, this is the, "work," that I choose. 

I have a fire in my soul for telling stories. The beautiful gift that is communication in its many forms enables me to do that. I want to use my love of the written word, music, photography, and creating to not only tell my own stories, but to help others tell theirs. That sounds pretty freakin' great to me, actually. I can't think of a life better lived than one that combines passion and purpose. 

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